Provide customers with convenient, affordable, and simple rental services,

Xianda Car Rental customizes exclusive travel plans for you.

About us

Guangzhou Xianda Car Rental Co.,Ltd(Xianda Car Rental,WeChat:gdzuche) is a professional car rental company in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China! Provide 24-hour rental service. Provide driver accompaniment driving services. Our models include Buick GL8 MPV, Toyota Alphard MPV, Mercedes Benz MPV, GAC M8 MPV, Mercedes Benz E/S, Audi A3/A6/A8, BMW320/530/740, Honda CR-V, Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Volkswagen Passat, Nissan Teana, Toyota Corolla, 12/14/16/18/23 seater Coaster buses, 30-55 seater buses... Friends from all walks of life are welcome to call us to discuss car rental services.

  • 2008


  • 500+


  • 50+


  • 200+

    Car types

Car Rental

  • Buick GL8 New Energy PHEV 7-seater MPV Vehicle

    Buick GL8 New Energy PHEV 7-seater MPV Vehicle

  • New Buick GL8 MPV Car for Rent

    New Buick GL8 MPV Car for Rent

  • Rent a 7-seater Buick GL8 business vehicle 653T with a driver in Guangzhou, with an annual fee included

    Rent a 7-seater Buick GL8 business vehicle 653T with a driver in Guangzhou, with an annual fee included

  • Guangzhou takes a driver to work and rents a Buick GL8 car

    Guangzhou takes a driver to work and rents a Buick GL8 car

  • New 7-seater Toyota Alphard Business Vehicle for Rent in Guangzhou

    New 7-seater Toyota Alphard Business Vehicle for Rent in Guangzhou

  • Rent the new Buick Business GL8 652T (7-seater) with a driver

    Rent the new Buick Business GL8 652T (7-seater) with a driver

  • Guangzhou Taxi 2024 Toyota Alphard Business Vehicle with Driver Charter (7-seater)

    Guangzhou Taxi 2024 Toyota Alphard Business Vehicle with Driver Charter (7-seater)

  • Guangzhou hires Mercedes Benz V260 commercial fleet with drivers

    Guangzhou hires Mercedes Benz V260 commercial fleet with drivers

  • Rental fees for Alphard commercial vehicles in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau

    Rental fees for Alphard commercial vehicles in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau

  • Rent Audi A6L luxury sedan in Guangzhou

    Rent Audi A6L luxury sedan in Guangzhou

  • Guangzhou rental Toyota Alphard high-end business vehicle reception annual rental monthly rental charter (7 seats)

    Guangzhou rental Toyota Alphard high-end business vehicle reception annual rental monthly rental charter (7 seats)

  • China Guangzhou Car Rental Company Rents 18 seater Minibus with Driver and Free Day Service

    China Guangzhou Car Rental Company Rents 18 seater Minibus with Driver and Free Day Service


Why choose us

We are a car rental company that provides professional services.

  • Safety & Professional

    Professional driver team on standby, ensuring 100% on-time pick-up and drop off, and safe driving throughout the entire journey! Provide 24-hour door-to-door pick-up and drop off service!

  • Legitimate & Insurance

    Obtained the qualification of Guangzhou Bus Rental Operation Filing Certificate, own the vehicle model, and have a third-party insurance coverage of no less than 1.5 million yuan!

  • Multiple car rental modes

    We offer daily, monthly, and annual rentals, with multiple rental modes for you to choose. We have signed car rental contracts with multiple domestic and foreign enterprises in Guangzhou!

  • Team & Logistics

    A team of experienced drivers with many years of driving experience, always ready for emergency vehicles and drivers, can quickly provide vehicle solutions and logistical support!

Activities cases

    Car Rental Guide More

    Rent Car to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport,How much does it cost for the company to rent a business car with a driver

    Guangzhou LanTu Service Co., Ltd. (Blueprint Car Rental Network: is a car rental company focusing on car rental services in Guangdong. Provide 24-hour car rental reservation and inquiry reception. The company's main models are: Buick GL8,Odyssey,Mercedes-Benz Vito,Toyota Alphard & Hybrid, Mercedes-Benz S,Audi A6L,BMW 5,Honda CR-V,Toyota Camry,Honda Accord,Volkswagen Passat,Nissan Teana... It is the first choice for company units and foreign-funded e

    What documents are required for self driving car rental in Guangzhou?

    Self driving car rental requires the following materials: ID card: Mainland Chinese driver's second-generation ID card, aged 18 or above, valid for more than one month beyond the current lease term. Driver's license: I have a valid domestic driver's license (original and duplicate), which must be valid for more than one month beyond the current lease term. Customers from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are required to prepare a Mainland Travel Permit for Macau, Hong Kong, or a Mainland

    Why do car rental companies charge rental deposits? Is this deposit collected legally and compliantly?

    随着共享产业的发展,现在的租车行业越来越多,租车公司也越来越多。每一个租车公司为客户提供服务之前,都会要求租车的客户缴纳一笔押金,这笔押金可以保证汽车在客户使用的过程中造成的损伤,可以及时得到补偿。也可以防止客户将汽车直接开走不归还。这是一种为了自身产业安全着想的行业内的规则。租车公司之所以要收取租车的押金,是为了自身安全的考虑,这笔押金,是合理合法的,并没有法律专门要求,不可以收取租赁车辆押金,所以,租车公司可以收押金。 一、租车公司和客户之间形成了租赁合同 租车公司将自己公司的汽车租给需要用汽车的客户,这样就形成了一个汽车的租赁合同,客户和租车公司之间有了租赁的关系。在这个租赁关系中,租车公司和客户之间可以达成一些协议,比如说需要支付汽车的押金,或者不需要支付汽车的押金,这都是可以的。租车押金是由双方协商而达成的合同内的内容。 二、租车公司为了保证自己的利益,不得不收押金 租车公司将自己的车辆租给客户,但对客户的背景不会很了解,所以为了保障自己的车辆安全就必要得收取一定金额的押金。这个租车的押金可以保证客户

    Novice car rental companies in Guangzhou offer detailed precautions for chartering and inspecting vehicles

    新手验车秘笈:八个必看   正规的租车公司,一般都提供比较专业的验车单,这里面详细记录着车辆的状态,而且在验车的过程,工作人员会和租客描述当前在检查的内容和状态,租客只需要跟随工作人员围着车辆一圈,了解确认,最后签字即可。根据编辑的租车经验,租车过程中需要注重的两点就是外观和轮胎了。   一、看外观:别让小擦碰蒙混过关   重点:仔细看前后保险杠,侧身和车顶的凹陷也需要留意   租赁车辆因为经常变换驾车人,经常会有“手潮”或者因通过性不好使车受到刮蹭,所以在验车时要特别留意车辆外观上是否有刮痕蹭伤,要多看看前后保险杠,因为这是发生小刮蹭比较多的地方,即使如神州这样小刮擦免赔付的公司,也不能放松警惕,如果车辆本身就有较明显的撞击痕迹,一定要在验车单上注明清晰,避免还车时的尴尬,同时,我们也可以通过手机拍照等方式为自己保留证据。   二、看内饰:前排后排都要检查一遍   重点:看座椅有无烫洞、器件是否损坏,别忘了看看顶棚   验车时,人们通常会将注意力停留在驾驶位,内饰往往只是扫一眼。殊不知,

    An article on car rental and emotions

    别克商务GL8-商务精英,尊贵座驾 白领精英,商务人士,必备车型自然非别克商务GL8这种沉稳大方,高雅尊贵车型为首选。驾乘者在完成办公接待的同时,还可以随心欣赏自己喜爱的音乐歌曲,个性化听觉享受一路随行;高档的真皮座椅,更为商务人士营造出豪华舒适的内部空间。 无论是时尚越野,还是商务出行,又或是家居旅游,商务租车都能够随时满足您的全方位需求,广州现达商务租车作为广州领先的汽车租赁服务提供商,旗下拥有多种车型可供不同人士的多重选择。 长久以来,有属于自己的小车一度是多数白领的生活追求。而如今,越来越多拒绝平庸的时尚达人,尤其是年轻白领开始信奉“买车不如租车”的生活方式,将“租车公司”演绎成另一番都市时尚。

    A very reliable car rental company in Guangzhou

    其实目前在广州现达商务租车和买卖生意经一样,货比三家。一般比较谨慎的朋友们会咨询周边的朋友或者相关比较熟悉此行业的人员,了解一下租车公司哪家靠谱,这也不失为一个好办法。今天 广州现达商务租车 来和大家分享一下如何判断租车公司的好坏。 许多需要租车人群人关注租车服务如:车子的质量、车辆款式、新旧等。我们大可不必为了某家公司而去,好不好只有自己亲身体验才知道,重点是自己要有一定的判断力。一般实力好的租车公司服务都比较周全,车源充足,车型款式多样,给顾客充分选择的空间。 第一个特点车型多样。 不少租公司有各种类型的车险如:林肯陆军一号、宝马、奔驰、保时捷、兰博基尼等,只要你要的,不可能订不到车子。 第二个特点为:预订类型选择方便。 租车公司提供了“级别订车”或者“车型订车”。顾客可以根据自己的喜好选择,并且可以第一时间知道价格,通过价格、车型、服务类型敲定要买的车。预定的时候既可以从车类中选择“手动紧凑型轿车”、“商务型轿车”、“经济型轿车”、“豪华型轿车”等多种类别,也可以从“奥迪”、“宝马”、“标致”、“别克”选择自己独钟的牌子。当

    Teach you the precautions for renting a car

    不同的汽车租赁公司,其经营形式、租赁车种、服务内容都有所差别。有的公司提供的是一年以内的中高档车,也有的以闲置车辆用来租赁。租车族在租车前,要先了解租赁公司可供车的车型、车况,以确定是否为己所需。然后,咨询各家的租赁形式、租金及所需的证件、押金等情况。租车所需的证件一般包括身份 证、户口本及驾照,租金通常是预先支付,而不是从押金中扣除。在签定租赁合同时,需 了解车的日限公里数和超出限数后的计费, 还车时的再认定,因此一定要认真对待。首先要从外观上对车辆进行检查,例如车体有无划痕,车灯是否完整,车锁是否正常等。然后打开车盖,查看冷冻液机油电 瓶的状况,均无异常后,即可进入驾驶室内, 检查油表刹车空调的运行状况,并进行试驾,判断车辆的基本状况。对于一些车型的特殊功能及用法,应向租赁公司咨询清楚,如富康车的儿童锁功能等,以利更加方便的使用。 发生交通事故,要立即通知交管部门和租赁公司,租赁公司会协助用户及时向保险公司报案,超过24小时,保险公司不予办理赔偿手续。用户需要保护好事故现场,以便交管部门和保险公司处理事故。用户要向租赁公司提供保险公司所需的手续。事故前期费用由用